Category Archives: General

A framework for managing risks in your business


Businesses put a lot of effort into growing their business. As they plan and execute their strategies, they presume that all will go well and hardly think about risk, what can go wrong and negatively affect their plan. As “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”, the chances that risk will hinder achieving your […]

From Psychology to Accounting

from psychology to accounting

My name is Marvellous Apreku, and this is the story of my unconventional career path. It started with a psychology degree and a leap of faith into the world of accounting at SCG Audit. The journey has been hard and filled with growth and valuable lessons. After graduating from the University of Cape Coast, I […]

Is Gen Z something else?

gen z

Heard at a function I was at a professional accounting function recently. When the discussion turned to the youth, some comments were: As for the youth these days, they are something else. It’s like they know nothing. You must teach them basic things. They want to be a CFO at 25. They are unreliable. That […]

SCG Work Experience Internship: Our Impressions

wex program

  We took part in the SCG Chartered Accountants 2023 Work Experience Program (WEX). The WEX is a 9-to-12-month internship program. The 13 of us on the program worked in the audit, data, HR, payroll, accounting services and finance unit of the firm. To give the management of SCG feedback on our experience, we surveyed […]

Ghana Employment Contracts: An Aide-mémoire

Employment contracts

An employment contract is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms and conditions of their working relationship.  The contract protects both parties by setting clear expectations and obligations for each party. Whilst a contract can or verbal or in writing, we recommend you issue written contracts.  When drafting an […]

A Guide to Pension Obligations of Employers and Employee

pension obligations

The employer and employed both have responsibilities under the National Pensions Act, 2008 Act 766. If an employer does not comply with the Act, he can incur penalties and suffer a loss of reputation.  Employer’s obligation  Register with both SSNIT and a fund manager of his choice. Ensure all their employees registered with SSNIT. Deduct and […]

On a Career Journey Without a Map

This year we started career discussions in SCG Chartered Accountants. The initial focus is on people at different stages of the certification exams, but we will make it an annual practice across the firm. We have discussed careers with 10 people at various stages of the certification exams. The areas we covered in the discussions […]

When Is Your Foreign Business Taxable in Ghana?

Your foreign business is taxable in Ghana when you have a permanent establishment in Ghana. When an entity does business across borders, it must deal with how the countries in which it operates will tax the income it makes. Countries regulate the right to tax through Double Tax Agreements (DTAs). To tax a foreign entity, […]

The Economy is Tough: This is How Your Business Can Survive

The Government of Ghana went to the IMF and signaled that the economy is struggling. We are in for a prolonged period of economic difficulty. Inflation is high, the cedi is falling, and prices keep going up. Running a business in this environment can be very challenging. So, what can you do to your improve […]

How to File a Monthly PAYE Returns

Employers must file monthly PAYE returns and make tax payment by the 15th of the subsequent month. Failure to file and pay Tax by the due date attracts a penalty of GHC 500 and a further penalty of GHC10 for each day that the tax is overdue. Procedure to file PAYE Returns Visit the website […]