Author Archives: James Etu

Case Study – Driving tax outcomes with Data Analytics

data analytics

Introduction Client B is a sourcing and supply chain management company that provides catering, janitorial, and other related services to various clients. The GRA carried out a tax audit covering 3 financial years, issued an assessment of GHC 2 million and gave the company 30 days to respond. As the client was in negotiation with […]

Tips for navigating the tax season

tax season tips

To achieve optimal tax outcomes and meet its financial requirements, you must prepare for the tax season. The extent of preparation depends on the business. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can meet the deadlines and get through the tax season with confidence. These tips are for SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) […]

Do You Want Efficient Tax Audits? Use Data Tools

Tax management is a perfect place to exploit the potentials of data analytics because tax involves examining transaction data. Data analytics can help the tax professional cut the time spent performing time-consuming manual processes. So, he can spend his time on analysis and delivering insights for tax management. It enables company leaders to find trends […]

Are Ghanaian Businesses Making The Most Of Their Accounting Software Investments? Part-2

We are discussing common issue we find, as we apply data analytics tools to our audits, that suggest that Ghanaian businesses are not getting good returns from their investments in an accounting software. In part 1, we discussed observation on systems configuration. In this article we discuss security, information technology skills and data issue we […]

Are Ghanaian Businesses Making The Most Of Their Accounting System Investments? (Part One)

We suspect that Ghanaian companies are probably not getting optimal returns from their accounting systems investment. The findings of our data team confirm our suspicions. In 2019, we made data analysis an essential part of our audit process, re-engineered our audit process and deployed data analytical tools such as MindBridge AI and CaseWare IDEA. On […]

Inventory Controls to Prevent Waste and Theft

Retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers are typical businesses that hold inventory (stock). Inventory comes with risks such as damages, theft and obsolescence. It also ties up capital and has related administrative costs. You can lose money on inventory. But you don’t want to lose money so you must put in controls over inventory. The types of […]

Internal Control: The Means to Getting Hold of Your Business

There are forces at work to stop a business from achieving its objectives. To make sure it achieves its objectives, the business takes measures to stop those forces from negatively impacting the business. We call the forces that threaten the business, risk. The counter measures to stop these forces are controls. Effective internal control affects the […]

After the Crisis: Enhancing Our Audit Approach to Build Trust

We have a crisis of confidence in audits in Ghana. That audits matter hit home when some banks failed, and the Bank of Ghana stepped in to rescue the weak banks. The public asked, “where were the auditors”? “Can we trust our auditors”? We are acting to make sure you can count on our audits. […]

Choosing an auditor? What should you consider?

An annual audit is required for all companies registered in Ghana. Each year, businesses of all shapes and sizes must hire an external auditor. And many struggle to make this decision. So, what must you consider as you search for an appropriate financial statement auditor? Let’s find out. Think about the following: The factors to […]