Author Archives: Emmanuel K. Addo

A Branch Operation Exposes You To Unpredictable Taxes

Under the Ghana Companies Act 2019, Act 992 a branch is “a body corporate formed or incorporated outside Ghana but has established a place of business in the country”. Simply put, a branch is a foreign company that has created a presence in Ghana to do business. The income earned by the branch from its […]

Navigating Withholding Tax Audits

SCG Chartered Accountants recently held a webinar titled “Navigating Withholding Tax Audits”. The presenters discussed: Common issues that arise from Withholding Tax Audits. Challenges faced by taxpayers Ways to stay compliant. Below is a summary of the discussion. Common Issues Failure to withhold from payments made to third parties Application of wrong rates, especially payments […]

Tax Documents: How Long Must You Keep Them?

Discard tax documents before the retention period ends and you could be in trouble with the GRA. But you must confront your paper mountain that is taking up much-needed space. Before you do that, read on. What are tax documents? A tax document provides information to help the GRA to assess your tax. Examples of […]

GRA Is Digitizing Tax Services; Will It Make Life Easier?

Doing business with GRA is a pain! Remember your frustrations with GRA? What about documents that get lost over and over? Or tax files that are incomplete or lost! How about enquiries that nobody at GRA bothers to respond to? GRA just made a big promise that this era is over! It is digitizing tax […]