Tag Archives: frauds in business

How to Create Conditions for Strong Controls in Your Business

From our audits, we find that many Ghanaian companies have poor internal controls especially with regards to their IT systems. Internal control is a means for getting a hold of your business. You risk surprises if you have poor controls. Good internal controls just don’t happen, they need a conducive environment. So, what can the […]

Fraud Deterrence for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Employees and their accomplices committed 90% of bank frauds in 2017. Fraud or attempted fraud amounted to GHC 190.38M and actual losses through fraud was GHC30.8 in 2017[i]. Global occupational fraud cost organizations more that USD 7 billion in 2018 in cases reported to ACFE, and it estimates total global fraud loss of about USD […]