How to get a SSNIT Clearance certificate

What is a SSNIT Clearance Certificate?
A SSNIT Clearance Certificate (SCC) confirms you met your all SSNIT obligations on the date of issue. The Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) issues these certificates.

When do you need a SSNIT Clearance Certificate?
● To bid for contracts from the ministries, departments, agencies and other government entities.
● Registration and renewals of some licenses need a SSNIT Clearance Certificate.
● Some businesses ask for a SSNIT Clearance Certificate to qualify as a vendor.

What do you need to get a SSNIT Clearance Certificate?
● You should have registered with the SSNIT
● You should have filed all your returns and paid the contributions due.
● Have up to date records of returns and receipts

How to apply
To apply for a SSNIT Clearance Certificate write to your SSNIT office. State the purpose for which you need the SCC in your letter.
Before you apply, make sure you have met the requirements above. Otherwise, your application may be rejected or delayed.

How long does it take?
If you have met all the requirements, it should take 3 days to obtain.

Author: Penelope Haizel
Penelope is an associate in the payroll unit of SCG Chartered Accountants.